A Step Forward YFS 19

A Step Forward


Cyclone Giri struck the western coast of Rakhine State on 22 October 2011, severely impacting on the lives of farmers, agricultural labourers and fisherfolk in the coastal townships of Kyaukphyu, Myinbya, Myebon and Pauktaw. Soon after Giri, Better Life, a local non-governmental organisation co-founded by YFS filmmaker Lay Thida, began a livelihood recovery programme in some of the affected communities. This short documentary brings us closer to the lives of three beneficiaries – teashop owner Daw Nu Nu Shwe and farmers Daw Khine Mar Oo and U Tun – and describes how Better Life's programmes have helped them to become confident and active members of their communities.

Director's Biography

Journalist and blogger Sann Maw Aung is of Rakhine descent. A regular contributor to Yangon-based periodicals such as ‘The Voice’, ‘Living Color’ and more recently, ‘Enjoy’, she has a deep-seated interest in educational and environmental issues. Having made her directorial debut Middle of the Road during 2009 YFS Art of Documentary Filmmaking workshop, A Step Forward marks her first commission for an NGO. She is currently researching a project in Kachin State about those who have been forced to flee from their homes as a result of civil strife in this region.

Director's Filmography

A Step Forward




Sound Recordist





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