This four-week course, often jointly tutored by an international sound designer and a local YFS-trained sound expert, is open both to students on the School’s three-year training programme and outside trainees who specialise as sound engineers, for example, in the Myanmar radio, film and post-production industries.
Held in the School’s own specially designed sound studio, the course includes an introduction to the use of sound design software including ProTools®. It combines screenings and discussions with hands-on practical exercises designed to help participants practice the techniques taught on the course and reach an understanding of the contribution that a nuanced soundtrack – both with and without music – can make to a film.
The course culminates in the opportunity for trainees to work on ‘real world’ projects and, under careful tutor supervision, to undertake the track laying, sound design and sound mixing of YFS documentary and/or fiction films.
Take a look at how this course works in the film About the 2018 Art of Sound Design course below.
Topics covered on the course include:
- The software Plug-Ins which can be used to solve specific acoustic problems
- How a scene can be created and enhanced via the use of sound
- The creation and use of Foleys
- How to use ADR and voiceover
- The use of music in a film and how to decide where and when it is required.