My Family

My Family


Sisters Marip Sein Ram and Marip Nin Ram are both studying at a boarding school in Yangon – one thousand kilometres away from their native village of Eitone near Putao in northern Kachin State. The measured tones in which the girls tell their story are in sharp contrast to the traumatic life they led in the dysfunctional family they have now left behind. Theirs is a story of courage and resilience, and the determination to make a new start.

Director's Biography

Mon-Christian director and editor Thet Su Hlaing came to Yangon from Thanbyuzyat in Mon State in 1998 to study for a Master of Arts in Christian Studies at the Myanmar Institute of Theology. A physics graduate, she joined the Myanmar Baptist Convention in 1999, where she works as an editor. Her own experience as a single mother may well have influenced her choice to depict the world of women in her two YFS films The Bag and My Family, both of which she directed and edited. She also edited the 2012 YFS short Cries and Whispers which uses documentary footage to create an intriguing short that borders on fiction.

Director's Filmography






My Family




My Family YFS
My Family YFS 1
My Family YFS 2
My Family YFS 3
My Family YFS 4
My Family YFS 6
My Family YFS 7
My Family YFS 8